I'm pretty jealous... Brendan picked up his new iPhone yesterday and has been flashing around the office all day.
I have been telling myself since the iPhone launched that I would wait until the 3G version (hopefully) comes out next year, but after seeing Brendan effortlessly read his e-mails, speedily tap out text messages, listen to his iTunes library and read his visual voicemails on a beautifully huge touch-sensitive screen.... I just couldn't wait.
So I phoned T-Mobile: _"I want to cancel my account to get an iPhone with O2... how long is left on my contract?"
"You've still got 8 months I'm afraid sir...."
"Really, that long? How much to buy myself out of the contract?"
"It will be 322 pounds sir."
"Oh, can I downgrade to a lower tarrif?"
"Not until month 11 sir"._
So T-mobile have decided for me. If I could have bought out my contract for say, £100 then I might have done it but £300 (plus £269 for the phone itself) is just too much. Looks like I'll be waiting for the 3G iPhone 2 after all.