If, like me, you are missing wget since you upgraded to Leopard, then should set up an alias for wget to curl -O which does exactly the same thing:
echo 'alias wget="curl -O"' >> ~/.bash_profile
If, like me, you are missing wget since you upgraded to Leopard, then should set up an alias for wget to curl -O which does exactly the same thing:
echo 'alias wget="curl -O"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Give Macports a try mate, then you can get all your linux goodies without any need for workarounds 🙂
I recently posted an article on how to easily install wget in OS X Leopard using MacPorts (a.k.a. DarwinPorts) if you�re interested: http://www.geekology.co.za/blog/2009/02/macports-compile-and-install-open-source-software-on-mac-os-x/
Why not just install wget yourself. You could use Macports I guess as well.
Curl is better than wget for the following reasons:
1. Uses libcurl a cross platform library
2. curl sends more stuff to stdout and reads more from stdin
3. curl supports ftp, ftps, http, https, scp sftp, tftp, telnet, dict, ldap and ldaps while wget supports only http, https and ftp
4. curl has ssl support
5. libcurl supports more http authentication methods
6. Curl is bidirectional while wget offers http post support only
7. Curl has more development activities.
The one advantage I see in using wget is it’s ability to download recursively.
In short curl is better and more powerful. I actually have both on my os x, just cannot remember the last time I used wget.
I am so sorry.
Saying “which does exactly the same thing” only shows that you failed to grasp wget’s full power.
It lies within its ability to download recursively.
This kind of alias is not even close to wget’s capabilities.
However, I acknowledge that it will work on a single file download.
Thus, if I may, I would suggest to change your statement (especially the word ‘exactely’) for something that reflects the reality exposed above.
True, I should clarify that I mean’t it does the same thing as running wget with no arguments other than the file yuowish to download.
Useful alias – thanks.
What if you get wget later on….
Avoid using popular program names for aliases.
maybe just use the os x package installer – its universal and for 10.5 leopard or greater – both intel and power-pc.