Learning Fonica PABX and FreePBX

I've been testing out a few free PBX distributions, and the most recent one I've tried is called Fonica PABX. It's basically a bundle of Centos, Asterisk, FreePBX, and some other asterisk modules that are wrapped together with a nice installer system.

Step 1 - Install Fonica PABX

Step 2 - Set up some extensions with FreePBX

Step 3 - Configure FreePBX to allow Inbound and Outbound calls

In this example we are going to set up a trunk to Magrathea Telecom to allow inbound / outbound calls via IAX2.

After the trunk is setup, you must define both an outbound and inbound route. For the outbound route:

For the inbound route:

Step 4 - Install additional FreePBX modules such as Queues and Ring Groups

Other things I plan to do:

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