Recently we were looking for a Flash video player to use on our websites. Youtube's default player was a little bloated, so one of our developers at Fubra built an alternative youtube flv player, which looks a bit like this:
[futube video="gE1KGHUb9zw" author="by Fubra Limited" color="#336699" hd="true" height="300" title="FuTube Player" width="400"]
We've also released this as a wordpress plugin. You can install it via subversion if you prefer using the instructions below.
Installing the WordPress Plugin via Subversion
From the command line, navigate to your WordPress plugins folder and then edit the svn externals for the folder.
cd wp-content/plugins/
svn propedit svn:externals .
This should open the file in your favourite text editor (I use vim). You should add a line like:
Save and exit, then run:
svn update