Summary of the new Companies Act 2006

A new companies act was introduced in 2006, that has been gradually phased in over the last 3 years, becoming fully operational on the 1st October 2009. The full act of parliament is over 700 pages long (in PDF form), so I've decided to try to highlight some of the key points / changes in this post for quick reference. NB: I've not read the full act (and don't plan to!) so this is certainly not a comprehensive list.


Company Directors

Accounts and Reports

Members / Shareholders


Companies House is holding a number of seminars to help businesses understand the implications of the new Companies Act. They will also give some demonstrations of how to use the web filing system to file forms online. You can book a place a the seminar online and, at the time of writing the next ones available are:

Basingstoke Holiday Inn Basingstoke, Grove Road, Basingstoke. RG21 3EE Thursday 11 February 2010 at 9.30am and 2.00pm

Norwich Holiday Inn Norwich, Ipswich Road, Norwich. NR4 6EP Thursday 11 March 2010 at 9.30am and 2.00pm

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